Friday, 6 June 2014

100 Days to Self-Love

Today starts my 100 days to self love. 
From the start of thus year, I've seen loads of 100 Days of Happiness Challenges. I secretly pleaded to myself to find my happiness this year. A mammoth challenge for someone who suffers from depression. 

It started off well by rejoining the gym and signing up with a personal trainer. I also signed up for a 10k for April. 
Then Burpees happened and I hurt my left ankle! Unable to workout at the gym or train for a few weeks saw me slip into a boast of depression.

An interesting thing happened though. In January while still feeling well and buzzing from my new years' resolutions, I met a wonderful lady Cassie at a Mums in Business networking group. I was instantly drawn to the idea of what Cassie does and took her business card, not knowing that a month later I would be needing her services. 

Cassie is a Body Confidence Trainer and we met at her home (she usually does Skype but this mama was desperate and wanted some face to face one-to-one). I went to her for help to clear my mind and help to take back control and the recording she made me helped with my focus. Though Cassie is not trained to help with depression, meeting with her helped to open my eyes to the possibility that I can get over my depression and live happily. Or at least, manage it. 

April came and I ran the hell out of my 10k and I loved every minute of it! But I stupidly decided around the same time to diet! Why? Why, did I do this to myself? I only lasted about a month of attempting to (and failing) follow it before giving up but it totally messed my head up and my self-confidence took a massive hit. 

It is now 2 months on from the 10k and that diet and it's the first time since January that my depression has come on. 

But this time round I feel different. I feel like I know what tools I need to use to get back on solid ground. Off to meet up with Cassie on Monday for a new recording and I've started my 100 days to self-love. 

So day 1:

Today I honour my hands. I got a manicure. My hands cook for me and my family; they make beautiful crafts for my business; the clean my lovely house; the hold my children's hands, and my husband's. 

Please visit Cassie's website:

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