Monday, 12 August 2013

Dear Cookies

Dear Terry's Orange chocolate chip cookies,
What have you done for me lately? Well, let me count the ways:

-The way you make me feel even by just thinking about you and considering making, usually the unnecessary trip to the co-op to buy you;

-The way you smell- full of sugar- just the smell of you sends my insulin levels into over drive- much more so when I devour you- all four of you, as I can never just eat one!

-The way you steal away all my energy  so that almost immediately after eating you I need a lay down because you make me so tired;

- the guilt of know that you are the most shit food that I eat, so shit that I eat you in secret and then bury your wrapper at the bottom of the bin so that no one will know- trying to not only trick others into thinking that I haven't had you, but to trick myself into forgetting that I have;

-Well, forgetting until you show up on my thighs, preventing me from fitting into my cloths, preventing me from having energy to play with my boys, preventing me from feeling sexy for my husband, preventing me from being the best me I can be. 

You see - Terry's Orange Chocolate Cookies, you are costing me so much more that the £1.31 I dish out for you- you are costing me my healthy, my happiest and my life and so I am letting you go! 
I am saying good-bye. 
Next time I pass you on the shelves of the co-op, I will no longer physically shake from the anxiety of knowing that you exist and you once had such a tight grip on my life. I will look you in the eye and smile- knowing I have chosen to spend my £1.31 on a healthy, happy option!!